Dynamic Compression


Compression therapy has the potential to enhance your body's blood and lymphatic fluid flow, accelerating recovery, circulation, and the healing process. This soothing technique employs precise, rhythmic pressure on extremities such as the arms, legs, and hips all within a brief 20 minute sessions.


    • Increases circulation and supplies those recovering muscles with the fresh, oxygenated blood.

    • As dynamic compression pulls fluid away from sore and swelling limbs, it helps flush lactic acid and metabolic waste.

    • this leaves less toxins in your muscles which promotes healing and reduces inflammation.

    • The wave-like massage therapy created by dynamic compression systems also help reduce muscle tightness.

    • Pulsing compression based pressure helps to manipulate muscles, increase blood flow and loosen them up and increase flexibility.

    • During a strenuous fitness routine, your muscles get little oxygen due to blood and toxins settling in them, thus making this a great way to pull fresh oxygenated blood back to the limbs for faster and better recovery.

    • By increasing blood flow, removing waste building and minimizing inflammation, you can prevent some of this soreness from occurring 48 hours after a strenuous physical activity.